Magento – Why isn’t tiered pricing being applied to configurable products


I'm new to Magento here and I'm trying to understand why tiered pricing is applied to simple products but not the configurable product that they're associated with. I've done a ton of googling on the topic and I've found a couple of extensions that claim to do what I need done but they're old and it's not clear if they're compatible with Magento 1.8. Also, all of the forum topics I find about this seem to be dated 2008/2009 so I'm not finding anything current on this topic. It's frustrating.

Simply put, how can I apply the tiered prices for simple items to the configurable item that they're associated with?

Best Answer

Configurable product prices are determined in \app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Configurable\Price.php and as you've already figured out, is independent of the simple products prices.

An alternative if possible is grouped products, which still adhere to the simple products tiered prices.

Otherwise, you can use one of the extensions mentioned by JamesAllwood or this one which is quite popular. Do not use the one from magento connect. I've not used it with 1.8, but there is a review saying it works. YMMV.