Magento 2.0.1 Payment Method – Troubleshoot Missing Payment Methods


I need some clarification before proceeding payments methods. Already vendor folder have payment, paypal, offline payment module, it also in enable mode while checking app/etc/config.php. But while checkout page no payment option will come like netbanking, cash on delivery.

my question is Magento 2 have any default payment gateway integration or need to look any extension?

if need to look extension, what is the best and free extension available in the market for magento 2? .

I am searching in magento connect but all are magento 1.x

Best Answer

Magento Connect is not the place for 2.x extensions. You need Magento Marketplace (just launched).

You will need a custom extension for what you require. For example, SagePay is not out the box in 2.x nor are many others. I am aware of some extensions that have been released for 2.x that are ports from 1.x so it would be worth looking to see if those can do the job.

Bare in mind, 2.x is in it's infancy. It will be some time before module developers can get the same level of coverage on 2.x

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