Magento – $.widget is not a function when loading a homepage after add custom jQuery on custom theme


$.widget is not a function when loading a homepage after add custom jQuery on custom theme.

I have define my custom jQuery javascript library on my theme header under


The js error message

$.wedget is not a function

which occur when loading homepage sometime ….[not 100% occur].

Is about js definition location problem? please help.

For example one of my jQuery source code:

  var sticky = jQuery('.page-header'),
      scroll = jQuery(window).scrollTop(); 
  if (scroll >= 30) sticky.addClass('fixed'), jQuery('.panel.header').hide(),jQuery('.page-header').css('border-bottom','1px solid #efefef');
  else sticky.removeClass('fixed'),jQuery('.panel.header').show(),jQuery('.page-header').css('border-bottom','none');

Best Answer

First of all check jQuery is working or not using following code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(window).load(function() {
        alert('jquery working');
        // your code goes here.


If it's work then put your code inside this code section.Also load your js file after jQuery library.

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