Writing SQL Query to Remove Product Description from Database


I have magento 2.1.3 with following scenario:

NL Main Website | NL Main Website Store | NL Store view

EN Main Website | EN Main Website Store | EN Store view

DE Main Website | DE Main Website Store | DE Store view

FR Main Website | FR Main Website Store | FR Store view

DK Main Website | DK Main Website Store | DK Store view

ES main website | ES Main Website Store | ES Store view

I like to remove short product description and long product description from the tables in the Database with SQL query, could anyone help me with writing such query so that it can be done quickly?

Best Answer

[1] Find attribute_id in eav_attribute table

75 - Description
76 - Short Description

[2] Go to catalog_product_entity_text Table

entity_id = Product Id

DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_text WHERE attribute_id IN (75,76) AND entity_id IN (<Your Product Id's>)
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