Magento – Wrong price for configurable product in cart


I'm currently using Simple Configurable Products on my site but am having a few with displaying the correct price on the cart

I have a configurable product which has say three simple products within it with different prices.
The price on the product page displays correctly but when I go to the cart the prices of all the simple products are the price of the first simple product.
For example
Configurable Product 1
Simple Product 1 – 19.00
Simple Product 2 – 25.00
Simple Product 3 – 35.00

If I had checkout with simple product 3 the price in the cart is 19.00

Would really appreciate a bit of guidance on this on


Best Answer

I've just fixed the same bug which was caused by the Excellence Ajaxcart extension. The issue is with a controller that was overwritten by the Excellence extension which prevented the Simple Configurable Products extension from overwriting the same controller.

I would advice you to check which 3th party extensions are overwriting the controllers and either let them play nicely together or, this is what I did, let the client decide which one of the 2 extensions they want to keep and uninstall the other one.