Magento 1.9 WYSIWYG Editor Deleting HTML Code in Static Block – Fix Guide


I've noticed that the WYSIWYG editor, in the static block configuration, randomly deletes the HTML code inside, in my case is the image slider.

I'm not sure about the reason: image size, code size, ilegal characters, code identation, spaces, etc, for what I know the code is not actually deleted at all, if I look for it on the cms_block I found it the content column, exactly how I coded it, but the WYSIWYG editor just a few HTML lines (deleting the UL element with everything inside), and the image slider doesn't display the images in the frontend. Sometimes accepts the code and works, sometimes it doesn't.

The images altogether has just 1MB size, and 850px x 310px… not deal I think.

This is exactly the HTML code inside the static block of the image slider:

    <div class="slideshow-container">
        <ul class="slideshow">
            <li><a href="{{config path="><img alt="" src="{{media url="wysiwyg/slideshow/Banner_1.jpg"}}"/></a></li>
            <li><a href="{{config path="><img alt="" src="{{media url="wysiwyg/slideshow/Banner_2.jpg"}}"/></a></li>
            <li><a href="{{config path="><img alt="" src="{{media url="wysiwyg/slideshow/Banner_3.jpg"}}"/></a></li>
            <li><a href="{{config path="><img alt="" src="{{media url="wysiwyg/slideshow/Banner_4.jpg"}}"/></a></li>
            <li><a href="{{config path="><img alt="" src="{{media url="wysiwyg/slideshow/Banner_5.jpg"}}"/></a></li>
        <div class="slideshow-pager">&nbsp;</div>
        <span class="slideshow-prev">&nbsp;</span>
        <span class="slideshow-next">&nbsp;</span>

After saving it, and going back to edit it, this is the code I see:

    <div class="slideshow-container">
        <div class="slideshow-pager">&nbsp;</div>
        <span class="slideshow-prev">&nbsp;</span> 
        <span class="slideshow-next">&nbsp;</span>

And once again, I can see the whole HTML code in the content field of the cms_block MySQL table.

Anybody can explain me what's happening here?

Best Answer

I am also having an issue with Magento deleting code, although it seems the cause may be different and I have a work-around. The code in question is:

<div id="mqnb_main">
    <a id="mqnb_link" href="#specials_element" onmouseup="mqnbCheck()"><span class="ci_if_linkspan"><p id="mqnb_text">View<br/>Specials</p></span></a>

...which gets turned into:

<div id="mqnb_main">
    <p id="mqnb_text">View<br/>Specials</p>

I don't have full access to Magento, so my only recourse (after sending an ineffectual email) was to use JavaScript to make sure the elements were all there. I added this at the end of the static block:

<script type="text/javascript">
    document.getElementById("mqnb_main").innerHTML = '<a id="mqnb_link" href="#specials_element" onmouseup="mqnbCheck()"><span class="ci_if_linkspan"><p id="mqnb_text">View<br/>Specials</p></span></a>';
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