Magento CE – XML Tag to Add Array in Cache Tag for Layout File


As magento1.9.2 is added cachetags function in to construct functon i must have to give seperate cachetags for each block element because its get conflict with varnish to read key. i have solved this issue in.phtml file to set key like below

         'cache_lifetime' => false,
         'cache_tags' => array(Mage_Cms_Model_Block::CACHE_TAG."_twocmspages")

but if need to assign same cache_tags using xml with setMethod how can i do this.

<block type="cms/block" name="block_id">
... set cachetag here

Is any one has idea how to add cache_tag array arrgument from XML ?

your help will be appreciated here.

Best Answer

Arguments in <action> can be defined as nested elements and will be converted to array:

<block type="cms/block" name="block_id">
    <action method="setTags">
            <tag2>( just in case you want to add more tags )</tag2>

It should be noted that <tag1> and <tag2> will be the array keys, so you cannot use the same tag name and you cannot pass arrays with numeric indexes because XML tags cannot be numbers.

A more flexible solution is using JSON. Just specify which argument should be parsed as JSON with the json attribute of <action>:

<block type="cms/block" name="block_id">
    <action method="setTags" json="tags">