Magento – How to Get Text Value of Yes/No Attribute


$attribute_details = Mage::getSingleton("eav/config")->getAttribute("catalog_product", $code);
         $options = $attribute_details->getSource()->getAllOptions(false);
       foreach($options as $option){
          echo '<p class="question"></p>';
          echo '<input type="radio" id="'.$code.$option["value"].'" value="' . $option["value"] .'"  class="styled" name=" '.  $code . ' " />';
          echo '<label for="'.$code.$option["value"].'">';
          echo $option["label"];
          echo '</label>';

Is there a way to get question front end label ? $option[value] is 1/0 and $option[label] is Yes/No – i need to get the "question text"

Best Answer

you are using wrong method isAttributeText

If you want to access the value of Product Attribute then


End If you want tot Display Label Of that Attribute then




And then you can check using isset() of PHP.

Hope you got Proper Answer.