Magento2 Product Review – How to Save Programmatically


I'm trying to save review programmatically. This seems to be working but not totally and as it's using object manager; I would like to find the good proper way to handle this in Magento 2.

So basically my question is: How to replace this piece of code to make it "clean"

$objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance();

$_review = $objectManager->get("Magento\Review\Model\Review")

I wanted to find a repository for this review but seems like it doesn't exist?

Currently, this code works, but the behavior is odd (it's an import script…if I try to import one by one, my reviews are well created…but if I try to create more than 1, it will still only create one of them. That's why I suspect an unexpected behavior due to object manager being used.

Is there a better way to handle this?

Maybe I have to load the product and in fact, save the product more than the review itself?

Please let me know how you would handle this!

Best Answer

You can try the below code and reference:

Here I have created this file in Magento root for sample add reviews.

use Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap;
require __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = Bootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
$obj = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();
$state = $obj->get('Magento\Framework\App\State');

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$customerId=13; //for Guest user $customerId=Null;
$customerNickName='STACK EXCHANGE';
$reviewTitle='STACK EXCHANGE';
$reviewDetail='STACK EXCHANGE';

$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$_review = $objectManager->get("Magento\Review\Model\Review")
->setEntityPkValue($productId)    //product Id
->setStatusId(\Magento\Review\Model\Review::STATUS_PENDING)// pending/approved
->setCustomerId($customerId)//get dynamically here 

echo "Review Has been saved ";

echo "/////FOR SAVING RATING /////////

 $_ratingOptions = array(
     1 => array(1 => 1,  2 => 2,  3 => 3,  4 => 4,  5 => 5),   //quality
     2 => array(1 => 6,  2 => 7,  3 => 8,  4 => 9,  5 => 10),  //value
     3 => array(1 => 11, 2 => 12, 3 => 13, 4 => 14, 5 => 15),  //price 
     4 => array(1 => 16, 2 => 17, 3 => 18, 4 => 19, 5 => 20)   //rating

//Lets Assume User Chooses Rating based on Rating Attributes called(quality,value,price,rating)
$ratingOptions = array(
            '1' => '1',
            '2' => '7',
            '3' => '13',
            '4' => '19'
foreach ($ratingOptions as $ratingId => $optionIds) 
                     ->addOptionVote($optionIds, $productId);
echo  "Latest REVIEW ID ===".$_review->getId()."</br>";     
echo "Rating has been saved submitted  successfully";



I hope this will help.

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