Magento2.3 Upgrade Error – Fix Page Title Could Not Be Converted to String


We just recently tested upgrading from M2.2.4 to M2.3.7 and have ironed out most of the issues, however when trying to load a page, we get the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Object of class
Magento\Framework\View\Page\Title could not be converted to string in
Stack trace: #0
str_replace(Array, Array, '<meta name="%na…') #1
CleverSoft\Base\Model\Renderer->renderMetadata() #2
CleverSoft\Base\Model\Renderer->renderHeadContent() #3
#4 /vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(58):
Ma in
on line 141

The function it is referring to within Renderer.php is:

public function renderMetadata()
        $result = '';
        foreach ($this->pageConfig->getMetadata() as $name => $content) {
            $metadataTemplate = $this->getMetadataTemplate($name);
          if (!$metadataTemplate) {
            $content = $this->processMetadataContent($name, $content);
            if ($content) {
               $result .= str_replace(['%name', '%content'], [$name, $content], $metadataTemplate);
        return $result;

With the mentioned line 141 being $result .= str_replace(['%name', '%content'], [$name, $content], $metadataTemplate);

Just playing with it and changing the code to:

public function renderMetadata()
        $result = '';
        return $result;

Allows the pages to load but, some elements end up broken like the navigation menus and whatnot. The above is not a solution, so anyone has any ideas. What did I do to allow for the object to be converted to a string?


Best Answer

You need to try this code.

protected $emailfilter;

public function __construct(
        \Magento\Email\Model\Template\Filter $filter,
        $this->emailfilter = $filter;

public function renderMetadata()

        $result = '';
        foreach ($this->pageConfig->getMetadata() as $name => $content) 
            $metadataTemplate = $this->getMetadataTemplate($name);
            $content = $this->processMetadataContent($name, $content);
            if ($content) 
               $this->emailfilter->setVariables(['%name' => $name,'%content' => $content]);
               $result = $this->emailfilter->filter($metadataTemplate);
    return $result;
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