Magento2 – How to Apply MDVA-43395_EE_2.4.3-p1_v1.composer.patch


I could successfully follow the instructions to install the latest security patches on our Magento store running on community version 2.4.2. I'm not sure if patches really installed well because I find only a few files modified as the screenshot below shows. Kindly confirm if everything went well with the install.

enter image description here

Best Answer

waaaait, do You really keep vendor content in Your project Repo? It is not really a good idea. Vendor catalog should be added to .gtignore. You should manage packages via files compsoer.json and composer.lock. Vendor should be installed on Server with composer install command. In that case adding patches would be super simple - by adding one or two more lines to Your composer.json

HOWEVER, answering Your question, look like Patches were installed correctly. I mean, at least files related to patches were modified.