Magento 2 – Store Menu Module or File Location


I want to edit menu.xml inside the store's menu on the admin dashboard, is that possible? because I can't find any module named stores inside app/code/ directory

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Best Answer

  1. I hope you are aware of Admin Menu. If not, please go through the basics. References: Mageplaza article, Bss commerce article, Magefan article and probably you can find more this on Google.
  2. In general, module will be found on two places. One is inside Vendor and another one is app/code. In vendor, core magento module and the modules insalled via composer will be available. In app/code, customized module or any new feature modules will be available which we known as 3rd party module. Please note the modules installed via composer also known as 3rd party module. Reference: Module Overview
  3. Please check Magento_Backend vendor in which you can see menu.xml in path vendor/magento/module-backend/etc/adminhtml/menu.xml. This is where the whole magento menu begins where you can see Magento_Backend::stores which is a store menu.enter image description here
  4. If you want to add new menu/submenu or update an existing menu to place somewhere else, the use of parent decides where it should be done. I suggest always refer core functionalities as it will be helpful to stick with Magento. If you want to add new section in stores menu, refer the existing menu such as Inventory is added in spearate module by /vendor/magento/module-inventory-admin-ui/etc/adminhtml/menu.xml (Reference: Update an existing menu) enter image description here
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