Brocade ‘management-vrf’ feature


Say you have used the management-vrf <vrf-name> configuration command on your Brocade device and setup a loopback in that VRF with a IP address from your management network for that remote site. Junior tech comes along and consoles into the device and for some reason disables the loopback interface that is in the managment network. Junior tech then proceeds about his business and then leaves that remote site.

Have you completely lost all ability for remote access to this device? If yes, what would be some recommended backup access methods to said device?

Best Answer

Always have at least two different ways to get into a core box remotely. Generally this means in-band and out-of-band. The inband would simply allow your management range to SSH into the box via any available port, while the out-of-band would be a different link via console or ethernet into the management card/fxp port/ etc