DNS and DHCP – Easy Explanation for Beginners


Hey I just started to learn Networking and I have some problems understanding the DNS and DHCP. I tried many books but they defined it a total technical language and I can't understand them. So can anyone please explain me those terms in easy languages and in easy terms

Best Answer

DNS is used for access to websites using an easy address like http://google.com instead of technical address

enter image description here

When you enter to http://google.com your computer first check its own DNS cache to looking for the ip (If you have entered before it would be here). If the ip cannot be found, the request is sent to the local DNS server. If it still cannot be found then the request is sent to the Domain Root Server. Finally the ip is sent to the host and saved in the cache for future requests.

A graphic example: enter image description here

DHCP is a protocol used by the router to assign automatic the private ip address to each device in a network. There is 3 ways to assign ip addresses automatic to the hosts:

  • Manual Assignment: The admin manually configure the ip addresses for the client in the DHCP server. When one host ask for one IP address, the server check the MAC address from the host y assigns the ip configured by the admin.
  • Automatic Assignment: The first time that one host is connected, the DHCP server assign an ip randomly.
  • Dynamic Assignment: The DHCP server assign an ip address temporarily. When the time is over the request has to be renovated.

Is not a technical definition but I think it can help you to have a global idea.

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