Cisco 2960-X IP Address Configuration


I want to access my 2960-X on my "server-network".

I have configured a network (VLAN60) on the Router, which is connected to the switch over a trunkport. Also VLAN 40, 80, 90 is configured on this trunk. VLAN1 (default VLAN on the switch) is

My play is that the switch will get the IP address So I reach the switch without changing the IP of my server. I also want to reach him on every interface in the whole network.

Is the solution that I have to make every Port a trunk Port, which carries VLAN1 and the VLAN(60 or 40 or 80 or 90) ? Which would be definitly not my plan.

Same scenario as the Router, which is reachable through the Gateways configured for the networks. Do I have to connect the Management Port (left side) to one of the Ports on those network?

Best Answer

Based on what you are trying to do, I would suggest not trying to add multiple IP interfaces on your L2 switch, but rather configure your router so you can route from the server VLAN to VLAN 1 and access the switch on its address.