Cisco – a common setting for NetFlow Active Flow Timeout


What is a common/best practice value for 'active flow time-out' for flow generation from packets.

With 'active flow time-out' I refer to the time limit when the current flow (src ip,dest ip, src port, dest port, proto) is considered ended if no new packet arrives within this time-limit.

It looks like this value ranges from 15 secs to 45 minutes, however the number of flows and characteristics depends on this timeout value.


Best Answer

It is wholly dependent on the software that is collecting the flow. You would need to look up what the software vendor recommends and configure your devices accordingly. If it is higher you will get flows reporting the full flow duration instead of the say 60 second interval that is expected by certain platforms. This leads to incorrect flow accounting and general misinformation. Take the reverse for shorter flow expiration timers. If you can't find any information for your export product I would recommend 60 seconds, it is the most common in my experience.

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