Cisco ASA 8.4(3); NAT multiple ports on public IP to private IP


I have the following configuration on an ASA running 8.4 already;

object network SERVER-01
object network SERVER-01
 nat (Inside,Outside) static interface service tcp 3389 5001

I have this config repeated several times to allow RDP to multiple machines behind the ASA, on different ports; 5001 forwards to one server, 5002 to another, and so on.

For this one server in the above config though, I want to forward port 5555 publicly to port 5555 at the same private IP,

If I try to enter the above config but with different port numbers, it is overwritten, I can't seem to add an additional NAT entry, only replace that one. This indicates I can only have one port forwarded to each internal IP at a time. Is that correct, or can I forward various public ports to an internal host, but using some other method? If so, how?

Best Answer

Unfortunately from the Configuring Network Object NAT documentation for 8.4 it states

You can only define a single NAT rule for a given object; if you want to configure multiple NAT rules for an object, you need to create multiple objects with different names that specify the same IP address, for example, object network obj-, object network obj-, and so on.

So you will have to create multiple objects with the same host just different names.