Cisco NAT – ASA/Router/Switch NAT for DMZ


I have a Question. We actually have a Cisco 1812 Router and we're Switching to an ASA 5512-X. The Problem is, the ASA 5512-X only has 6 Ports. The 1812, had 8. All in use.

We need to translate 3 Public IP Adresses into our Private IP Adresses for our Servers in the DMZ. We also need the other Ports. Our Situation now is, that the 3 IP Adresses are translated from the Router. But with the ASA we don't have enough Ports for this.

My Question is, can I "forward" those 3 IP Addresses from the ASA over the BLUE Port (in my Picture) to the Switch (I think i need Layer3 for this?!) and the Switch does the Translation?

The Translation should be: Public IP A,B or C comes in from the Internet to the ASA, get forwarded to the switch and the switch translates it to the correct private IP. Public IP A to Public IP B.

I have asked this in another Forum and got the answer, that an ASA can't replace a Router. Yes this is right but we don't need much functionality.

We have 4 seperate subnet. One DMZ. And three AP with two different VLAN. Thats all. And you see, this er six ports. 4 for our subnets, 1 for WIFI (I Hope i can only use one for 3 APs) and 1 for DMZ.

Are their any other solutions? Maybe using a normal router? a newer one, not the 1812.


Best Answer

Back on the stage :) One small and unimportant detail: according to Cisco, one model of 2960 is Layer 3 capable - 2960XR.

Speaking about your possible configuration, it woud be nice to have two additional switches (vlan capable, not dumbs). I'd use 4 interfaces: "outside", "inside", "DMZ" and "wifi".

"Outside" link goes to your ISP;

"DMZ" - to the DMZ switch with the servers;

"WIFI" connects to the additional wifi network switch. Here you define subinterfaces for 2 wifi vlans. On the switch side corresponding port should be in dot1q trunk mode. Probably you'd need WIFI AP to be in trunk mode too.

"Inside" goes to the second additional switch, which is connecting your internal subnets; define here subinterfaces for the subnets and put switch's port into trunk mode.

One example of such configuration (alas, without the switches):