BPDUGuard and BPDUFilter – Spanning Tree Edge Port Configuration

ciscospanning tree

What is the difference between 2 ports configuration

interface Ethernet1/10
  switchport access vlan 10
  spanning-tree port type edge
  spanning-tree bpduguard enable
  spanning-tree bpdufilter enable


interface Ethernet1/11
  switchport access vlan 10
  spanning-tree port type edge

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I guess I've found the right answer

Enabling BPDU Guard shuts down that interface if a BPDU is received. When configured at the interface level, BPDU Guard shuts the port down as soon as the port receives a BPDU, regardless of the port type configuration.

If the port configuration is not set to default BPDU Filtering, then the edge configuration will not affect BPDU Filtering. The port transmits at least 10 BPDUs. If this port receives any BPDUs, the port returns to the spanning tree normal port state and BPDU Filtering is disabled.