Console, Monitor, and Buffer Logging – Cisco Commands Guide


Could someone please explain the difference between the console, monitor and buffer logging in Cisco IOS.

Console logging: level debugging, 32 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Buffer logging:  level debugging, 32 messages logged, xml disabled,
                    filtering disabled

I think I have an idea that when you telnet into the above device, and issue the command "terminal monitor", the debug messages are shown in the telnet session.Is that right? So when does the console logging and buffer logging used?

Best Answer

Since you do not specify, I will assume you mean Cisco IOS.

If you are connected to the console or a VTY line, you can see the messages as they happen with console or terminal commands, respectively.

Log messages are sent to a buffer in the device, and you can retrieve the buffer to see past messages, no matter how you connect to the device, with the show logging command.

You can have different logging levels on each of those three, and you can adjust the size of the logging buffer.

Because the logging messages can pop up in the middle of a command you are typing in the terminal or console, you can place the logging synchronous command on the lines to restore the the command where you left off after the message is displayed.