Cisco Default Username – What is the Default Username for Cisco Devices?


In setting up a new network switch (Catalyst 2960-S), I did the initial configuration dialog (via the console port), in which it asks for host-name, secret, password, virtual terminal password, and other things.

I set the enable secret, the enable password, and the virtual terminal password. At no point does it ask for a username. If I exit or let it time out, then I need to get back in, at which point it asks for a username/password. What is this username/password?

Is the password one of the three mentioned above that it asks me to create during setup? Is it some default value? Is the username something like "cisco" or "admin"?

The "getting started guide" suggests that the initial web-interface default password is cisco and that it ignores the username field. I tried that.

Best Answer

On the Cisco 2960-S, the default credentials are cisco/cisco. These get deleted after the first time you login to the switch. There shouldn't be any access control on the console, unless the express setup puts it in there.

Now, if you set the virtual terminal password, then it probably just set a password on the line vty block, this should let you in with Telnet without needing a username. Once you get in to the switch with telnet you can run sh run | inc username. This will tell you what the username is set as, and probably the password if you don't have the password-encryption service on.

If this fails to work, then you will have to do a password recovery on the switch.