Network Core – Differences in Data Transmission Between Wired and Wireless Networks


Is data transmission different between Wired and Wireless network? In other word, when talking about TCP/IP, does it mean that TCP/IP stack is not suited for wireless networks?

Best Answer

IP is a layer-3 protocol, and TCP is a layer-4 protocol. Your wired or wireless networks are a combination on layer-1 and layer-2 protocols. IP doesn't care in the least what layer-1/2 protocols carry it. IP has been run on barbed wire.

In modern times, ethernet is the most common wired layer-1/2 protocol, and Wi-Fi is the most common wireless protocol. Wi-Fi runs on a half-duplex medium (radio waves), but ethernet originally did, too, and it still can.

Both ethernet and Wi-Fi have pros and cons, but IP and TCP simply don't know or care which carries them.