Dual WAN & NAT – Setting Up Cisco RV325


I have a Cisco RV325 (Small Business Router), and two WAN ports with two different services.

WAN1: Comcast – Home Service (256Mbps Down, 30Mbps Up) – Single Dynamic IP
WAN2: Comcast – Business (100Mbps Down, 20Mbps Up) – 5 Block of Static IP's

I am using One to One NAT on several of the IP Addresses from WAN2

If I am not specifying NAT, I don't want to use WAN2, I want to stick with WAN1 for all other traffic. Where WAN2 is for my PBX, Mail Server, and other servers.

Here is my WAN Setting Table:

enter image description here

Here is my One to One NAT:

enter image description here
Here is my Dual WAN configuration, this seems to be the only way the NATed addresses work:

enter image description here
And here is my Bandwith Managment screen:

enter image description here

What is happening now, is that sometimes while I am in load balancing mode, my non-natted traffic starts going over WAN2, and I don't want that. While other times, it goes over WAN1.

How do I stop this from happening, forcing all non-natted traffic to go over WAN1? I have tried turning Smart Link Backup on, but then it shuts down all of my NAT's from using WAN2 all together.

Best Answer

With my testing, I found out that it does work, however not 100% stable. So what I did was got another router as a new gateway but same subnet. I then added that to my network switch, and it worked perfectly, with that new switch, I am running the NAT, and for the NATed computers, I have set the new subnet.