Cisco 4331 – High Availability Configuration in Cisco 4331 Routers


enter image description hereI need to configure high availability for 2 Cisco 4331 routers. First i was planning to configure using HSRP but later i realized there is another way around called as "stateful Interchasis Redundancy" as per this link:

There is commands for doing so in this link:

But i am confused regarding the configuration. I would be really thankful if someone could help me with configurations.
We will have dual ISPs link terminated to two firewalls. Firewalls will remain in HA as well. Below the firewall, we will have two cisco 4331 configured in HA.
What could be the best way to configure HA in this scenario.
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

I think this really depends on your use-case. Mission critical applications vs. end user connectivity. HSRP is more than capable of providing redundancy in millisecond intervals. It may be worth using a familiar configuration for others that have to support the platform and purely for understanding functionality.