Cisco Router – How to Enable DHCP


This is what I have done in my GNS3

enter image description here

  • R3 – Router
  • R4 – Switch

I have installed GNS3 and trying to enable on Router as mentioned above depict.

How to enabled DHCP on Cisco router R3 ?

Best Answer

Move to configuration mode by typing this (you exclude address that you don't want the DHCP to assign to any device, e.g. printers, static IP addresses, etc.):

Router# config t
Router(conf)# ip dhcp excluded-adress <excluded address list>

Now you have to set up a pool, a pool of IP addresses:

Router(conf-dhcp)# ip dhcp pool <pool name>

now remember the pool is all possible host of the network addresses that you will assign here:

Router(conf-dhcp)# network <network> <mask or /length>

now you set up the default gateway (which in this case is itself):

Router(conf-dhcp)# default-router <gateway address>

The line above excludes the default gateway's IP address from the pool.

Setting up DNS server's IP address to exclude that too:

Router(conf-dhcp)# dns-server <DNS server list>

Now if you want to check DHCP clients, simply type:

Router(conf-dhcp)# ip dhcp binding
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