HSRP vs VRRP – Interface Tracking Comparison


Was reading a Cisco presentation and there was that VRRP does not have a native interface tracking mechanism but it does have the ability to track objects. Such objects include also uplink statuses of interfaces. Now I understand that HSRP has native interface tracking and object tracking which can include advanced interface tracking, not only line protocol. How does VRRP differs object tracking for interfaces differs from those employed by HSRP?

Best Answer

Object tracking for any service that uses enhanced object tracking is the same. HSRP, VRRP and GLBP all use enhanced object tracking in the same way.

The original HSRP tracking simply tracked the line protocol of an interface, which you can do with enhanced object tracking, but there are many more things you can do with enhanced object tracking. This subject is far too large to give you a complete tutorial on it, but Cisco maintains many documents regarding this, and all you need to do is search.