Cisco IOS NTP server config causes slow boot


I tried to configure my router to use NTP server. I thought it is trivial but I was wrong. It causes a very nasty problem when router have yet to gain internet access (during boot).

I see the following message printed on the console.

Translating ""...domain server (

Translating ""...domain server (

Translating ""...domain server (

Translating ""...domain server (

It seems those DNS resolutions actually blocks the router from booting into the login prompt. It adds minutes to the boot time and prevents some config from being applied.

How can I prevent the DNS lookup from blocking the router? I searched on the "Translating" topic but they all refers to handling typos which is not the problem I faced.

Are there trustworthy NTP servers similar to Google's which I can point to without doing DNS resolution?

Best Answer

First, you need to turn off domain lookup

no ip domain-lookup

Then, you need to specify your NTP servers by IP address, rather than by name. You could manually resolve the server names and use those addresses. Two addresses ought to be fine, unless you are doing something with your router that requires very accurate time. But for logging purposes, it only matters that your devices are all synced to the same time source. The absolute accuracy isn't important.