IP Address Mapping Between VLANs – Cisco Configuration


I am looking for a specific networking feature or set of features that was used on another project that I previously worked on. (I don't know my POC for that project otherwise I would ask them.)

In the previous project we had one switch with a dozen or so computers plugged into it. We had at least 3 VLANs configured on the switch. I managed all the devices on one of the VLANs. I was given a block of static IPs. Some of the IP address were mapped to another device that was on a different VLAN. And that device existed on it's own VLAN with a different IP.

I used that IP local to my VLAN to communicate with another computer on a different VLAN.

On a Cisco switch, what would that feature be called?

Best Answer

Traffic between VLAN ALWAYS must be routed - it's called InterVlan Routing. InterVlan Routing can be achieved by using a Router, or a Layer 3 Switch.

For example, here are manuals by cisco with diagrams, all easy and graphically:

  1. here is manual about configuring InterVLAN Routing on a Catalyst Switch Using an External Router: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/lan-switching/inter-vlan-routing/14976-50.html

  2. here is manual how to configure InterVLAN Routing on L3 switch Cisco: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/lan-switching/inter-vlan-routing/41860-howto-L3-intervlanrouting.html

Feel free to ask details. Good luck!

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