Cisco – IP NAT Enable – Port Forwarding Range


I'm using NAT Hairpin on a 1841 cisco router, I would like to open a range of ports 5555 – 5574 tcp and 2326 – 2485. All I've been able to find is command for using NAT (inside) / (outside). Anyone have any suggestions when you NAT Hairpin feature?


Best Answer

You need to use ACLs which would stop all traffic that isn't defined in the ACL rules. If you have only nat(inside,outside) that will allow all traffic out and and block all traffic in. There are some specially crafted packets that might get around this but most likely to be done by an ISP.

Take a look at this doc

You need something like this:

permit tcp any range 5555 5574

I don't have a router to experiment on right now but will try to pull a config segment if you can't get it going.

Here is another resource similar to your question.