Cisco – Is it possible to crack the enable password of Cisco 19 series router


Is it possible to crack the enable password of Cisco 19 series router, other than resetting it ?

Best Answer

For all actions you will need console cable and direct access to your router!

You can load device in rommon and set config-register to 2142, then reload device again. It will load into default configuration and by entering configure memory you will get into nvram-configuration mode where you can change your enable secret. Don't forget after that change your config-register back to 2102.

So steps in order:

  1. Restart device
  2. Press Ctrl+Z right after you see first boot messages
  3. In rommon enter:
confreg 0x2142
  1. Boot. Device now with default config. Do
conf memory
  1. Change enable secret
  2. Change config-register back to normal boot
(conf-t)# config-register 0x2102
  1. End up with reload