Cisco – Just can’t get ASDM to run


I've spent two weekends googling and trying every suggestion I can find, but still, when I try to connect to my ASA, the launcher accepts my credentials, the "updating software" bar goes to 20%, and the launcher just disappears. No error popups, no connection, nothing. I'm tearing my hair out on this.

It's an ASA 5505 with 1 GB of RAM, it has all the required licensing, including 3DES encryption.

System image is 9.1(7)32 (filename is asa917-32-k8.bin if that helps).

Device manager is 7.5(1)112.

I've tried on XP, Windows 10, even Ubuntu (though I really suck at linux), using Chrome, IE, and Firefox. I've tried different versions of Java, and both 32 and 64 bit Java. I know people have this working; I had it working, on Windows 10, at my previous employer.

I'm attempting to connect via Java Web Start, as I read that it just doesn't work to install the launcher anymore. I can SSH to the CLI just fine, and it's in production and working as it should. HTTPS is enabled for the inside network, which is where I'm trying to connect ASDM from.

I've added exceptions in for the ASA in Java on the management machines, and I've even imported into Java the ASA's self-signed cert.

I can post the whole config if anyone wants to see it; I hesitate to do it right off the bat and quadruple the length of the post, because I think this more of a Java issue.

Does anyone have any advice? Let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Best Answer

Many a work day has been lost to Java and ASDM :) you are not the first! You will not be the last!!

  1. Upgrade ASDM to latest version you can
  2. Remove all trace of current Java and install corresponding Java version to ASDM
  3. Go into Java security settings and add the https site for the firewall as a trusted site
  4. Open up Internet Exploder and add the firewall as a trusted site
  5. Now try and connect

Its' generally nothing to do with the ASDM I've found. It's generally a problem with windows and Java security that blocks it.