Cisco Nexus 5548UP upgrade from 5.0.3 to 7.0.1


We have one cisco Nexus 5548UP L2 switch running very old software 5.0.3 version but recently i got 7.0.1 software from someone else (we don't have SmartNet on this switch).

is it safe to upgrade from 5.0.3 to 7.0.1? I was trying to find prerequisite but i didn't find any so wonder if some already did in past please share your experience.


after upgrade from 5.0.3 to 5.2.1 (for safety) look like my fan speed bump up from 50% to 60%. here is the show env output

`switch# show environment

Fan             Model                Hw         Status
Chassis-1       N5548P-FAN           --         ok
Chassis-2       N5548P-FAN           --         ok
PS-1            N55-PAC-750W         --         failure
PS-2            N55-PAC-750W         --         ok

Module   Sensor     MajorThresh   MinorThres   CurTemp     Status
                    (Celsius)     (Celsius)    (Celsius)
1        Outlet     60            50           39          ok


fan details

switch# sh environment fan detail

Module  Fan  Airflow        Speed(%)  Speed(RPM)
1       1    Front-to-Back  60        15211
1       2    Front-to-Back  60        11816
1       3    Front-to-Back  60        15211
1       4    Front-to-Back  60        11663
2       1    Front-to-Back  60        15517
2       2    Front-to-Back  60        11842
2       3    Front-to-Back  60        15929
2       4    Front-to-Back  60        11842

Power Supply:
Module  Airflow        Configured
        Direction      Speed (%)
1       Unknown        60
2       Front-to-Back  60

Best Answer

Before proceeding with any upgrade, please ensure you have both the kickstart and the system image file. The kickstart file will set all the variables for you, and the system will check for this on reload.

NOTE: The kickstart file needs to match the system image file version. Please do not try to proceed with upgrading without both of these files.

The quickest way to determine if you are able to upgrade this device is by issuing the show install command from the 5548:

show install all impact kickstart bootflash:

Example Output:

switch-1# show install all impact kickstart bootflash:n5000-uk9-kickstart.4.2.1.N1.1.bin
system bootflash:n5000-uk9.4.2.1.N1.1.bin
Verifying image bootflash:/n5000-uk9-kickstart.4.2.1.N1.1.bin for boot variable 
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Verifying image bootflash:/n5000-uk9.4.2.1.N1.1.bin for boot variable "system".
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Verifying image type.
[###########         ]  50%
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "system" version from image bootflash:/n5000-uk9.4.2.1.N1.1.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "kickstart" version from image bootflash:/n5000-uk9-kickstart.4.2.1.N1.1.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "bios" version from image bootflash:/n5000-uk9.4.2.1.N1.1.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "fex" version from image bootflash:/n5000-uk9.4.2.1.N1.1.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Notifying services about system upgrade.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Compatibility check is done:
Module  bootable          Impact  Install-type  Reason
------  --------  --------------  ------------  ------
  1       yes      disruptive         reset  Reset due to single supervisor
100       yes      disruptive         reset  Reset due to single supervisor

Images will be upgraded according to following table: Module Image Running-Version New-Version Upg-Required

  1      system             4.1(3)N1(1)             4.2(1)N1(1)           yes
  1   kickstart             4.1(3)N1(1)             4.2(1)N1(1)           yes
  1        bios        v1.3.0(09/08/09)                                    no
100         fex             4.1(3)N1(1)             4.2(1)N1(1)           yes

Please also refer to the official documentation for upgrading from that version: