GNS3 – Solving Real IP Phone Issues


I am trying to link this configuration to a real SPA 303 IP phone but I do not know where to begin with this. I have the physical IP Phone, but I want to run it through the simulated environment that I have set up for the purpose of simulating voip issues. I've searched all over the internet and have found nothing pertaining to that goal. Please provide any thoughts you have on this.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I've posted about this on my blog a few times. The short of it is that you bind your PC's network card to a cloud object in GNS3. This connects your virtual (GNS3) network to your physical network. If your PC is connected to a switch, everything on that switch will have connectivity to the virtual network and vice versa.

If you're still having connectivity issues, switch off your PC's firewall and try again.