Cisco RV042 Port Forwarding


We have an application server that our company's branches connect to. Right now, they can connect because the E.R.P app developer configured our main router for port forwarding. They connect by typing into a web browser. is the router's interface connected to the ISP ( made up).

Our internal subnet is on the subnet, the server in question is We have 2 ISPs connected to 2 different routers, one is for backup in case the primary goes down. I want to configure the backup router (Cisco RV042) for port forwarding but I am a bit confused regarding which ports and addresses to use.

Assume is the IP address of the second router's interface connected to the ISP. How would I forward this to my application server?

Best Answer

It doesn't look like you're doing any complex port forwarding with this setup. All you need to do is specify a private IP address for inbound requests to port 9001 to head to. -------->

You can access the port forwarding options on the RV042, under Setup > Forwarding

Check out the full RV042 Manual for more information, page 14 has more info on Port Forwarding.