Cisco – Securing Cisco device from brute force attacks


I'm trying to block users from configuring a Cisco IOS device if they have entered incorrect passwords a number of times. This is the command I'm using:

Router(config)# login block-for 120 attempts 3 within 60

Which should block login attempts for 120 seconds in case incorrect passwords have been entered three times within 60 seconds. I've tried this in Packet Tracer and it doesn't seem to work: If you try getting access to the Router's user EXEC mode and use incorrect passwords you are not blocked after 3 attempts, the only thing that happens is that it says "bad passwords" and then you can keep trying. Which types of login is this command supposed to block? user EXEC, privileged EXEC, console port?

Best Answer

Based on your comments, the default sl_def_acl ACL didn't load into your configuration, for whatever reason. The behavior for the login-block feature is to use a quiet mode after certain parameters have been violated. In your case, after 3 failed attempts within 60 seconds will apply a quiet period ACL for 120 seconds. If you haven't explicitly defined a quiet mode, it will default to the below ACL.

Router#show access-lists sl_def_acl

 Extended IP access list sl_def_acl
     10 deny tcp any any eq telnet
     20 deny tcp any any eq www
     30 deny tcp any any eq 22
     40 permit ip any any

Default sl_def_acl ACL sample curtesy of Cisco IOS Login Enhancements (Login Block).

Manually defining your own ACL for these parameters is ideal.

login quiet-mode access-class {acl-name | acl-number}

If you want additional information on how this function works, pop on over to the Cisco Documentation that covers this for more detail.