Cisco RV 325 – Losing Internet When VLAN is Enabled


I tried many times to make my router work in the configuration I want, but no matter what I do, it won't work..

The configuration :

ISP router: IP address all ports forwarded to
connected to a Cisco Small Business RV 325 configured with the IP address on WAN port.

I set some VLANs on the RV 325 :

  • VLAN 1 => default, gateway No DHCP
  • VLAN 10 => for workstations IP GW DHCP Enabled
  • VLAN 20 => for VOIP IP GW No DHCP
  • VLAN 30 => for IP cameras IP GW No DHCP

By default the VLAN option is not enabled. I can access to the internet, but I don't have the benefit of the VLANs.
When I enable it, I can't get access to the internet anymore…

Most of the time, I get an error referring to DNS error so I suspected a missing firewall rule.

So, I've tried multiple firewall rules (even ANY to ANY), but I never succeeded.

What can I do to make this router work with VLANs?

This is the interface I have to setup for the router

Best Answer

first of all, thank you for your questions and answers.

The solution was provided by YLearn :

I believe the VLANs are only for the internal LAN ports and don't apply to the WAN ports on this device. Your VLAN 1 IP address overlaps with the WAN interface IP address putting the same subnet on both sides of the RV325. This should only work if the WAN port is configured as a "Transparent Bridge" as per documentation. For normal operation these two subnets should be different.

I changed the VLAN1 to another IP range and enabled VLAN. It worked like a charm.