Cisco – SNMPv3 Setup – Cisco 3750


I am not a network guru by any means but need to setup our router/switch to use SNMPv3. I am installing What's Up Gold on our system and configured the settings (changed for this post) as follows:

Username: testusername
Protocol: sha
Password: testpassword

On my router, I have ran the following:

snmp-server view TESTVIEW mib-2 included 

snmp-server group TESTGROUP v3 auth read TESTVIEW 

snmp-server user ALL TESTGROUP v3 auth sha testpassword 

snmp-server host version 3 auth testusername 

snmp-server host informs version 3 auth testusername

After inserting these commands, I go back to the SNMP software and attempt to discover the seed address, the gateway, but cannot receive a valid connection. I turned debugging on the router but receive nothing in show log. I setup SNMPv2 to test and see if it could even see that and it worked just fine…I am guessing I am missing something in my router configuration…any ideas?

Best Answer

I think your username is wrong in your commands, try substituting testusername for ALL

snmp-server view TESTVIEW mib-2 included 
snmp-server group TESTGROUP v3 auth read TESTVIEW 
snmp-server user testusername TESTGROUP v3 auth sha testpassword