Ethernet – Minimum Frame Size for Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet


In csma/cd the minimum frame size that should be transmitted in twice the propagation time for the standard Ethernet cable (10 base 2 or 10 base 5) . But how to maintain the same frame size for the fast Ethernet (100 mbps) and gigabit Ethernet (1Gb/sec) ?

Best Answer

Due to collision detection requirements, the collision domain for Fast Ethernet was significantly reduced: only two class-ii repeaters (96 bit-times delay or less) are allowed between any two nodes (or a single class-i repeater). Also, all Fast Ethernet variants are of the link-segment type (using duplex signaling with twisted pair or fiber), allowing for faster collision detection.

For Gigabit Ethernet, reducing the collision domain according to the single-repeater rule is not enough, so frames need to be extended to the full slot time (4096 bits) as minimum. Alternatively, multiple frames can be sent back-to-back without releasing the carrier.

While half-duplex operation was defined for Gigabit Ethernet (with a single repeater), repeaters and hubs failed to emerge - switches had become so cheap that the restrictions with half-duplex operation didn't make sense any more.

To understand the underlying mechanisms it might help to look at an earlier question and read the IEEE 802.3 specifications, especially Clauses 2, 4, 13, 29, and 42.

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