Ethernet Cable Length – Does a Longer Ethernet Cable Slow Your Connection?


As the title suggests, Does a longer Ethernet cable slow your connection down?

Best Answer

The electric signal will be slowed down by a minimal amount (afterall it travels at 2/3 light speed, more exactly at 0.64c, the velocity factor), how much time does light take to travel for 100 meters?

timeTaken  = 100/(299792458*0.64) = 0.00000052 seconds

So it just takes an extra 0.00052 milliseconds which is just 520 CPU cycles (on a 1 Ghz CPU).

However the longer the cable the weaker the signal becomes, once the signal is weak enough it will starts to lose bits of information because of interferences, each time a bit is lost, something in the network layer sees that a checksum/parity check fails, and ask for that packet again.

Asking for a new packet will take a very long time.

So as long as signal is strong in the cable, the slowdown would be minimal (it is greater than I expected anyway).

Once you start losing information because cable too long, the slowdown would greatly increase.

Also note that certain communications protocols are timed, so if the cable is too long it may not even be usable because it would go out of sync (that's a by-design issue)