Ethernet – How does the TCP/IP stack handle UDP checksum errors


RFC 2460, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification, Section 8.1 Upper-Layer Checksums, states the UDP checksum is mandatory and any IPv6 receivers must discard UDP packets containing a zero checksum, whereas it is optional for IPv4.

Who drops it and at what level?

Does the hardware discard it or does some layer in the stack discard it?

Best Answer

Ethernet has its own checksum, and it has nothing to to with IP, TCP, or UDP. Neither TCP not IPv6 have anything to do with the UDP checksum. UDP on the source will create the checksum, and UDP on the destination will verify the checksum.

I think you don't really understand the network stack layers.

Layer-2 protocols, e.g. ethernet, Wi-Fi, etc., may use a checksum. In general, layer-2 protocols will drop any layer-2 frame with a bad checksum anywhere along the layer-2 path. For instance, a switch will discard an ethernet frame with a bad checksum. Layer-2 protocols don't care which layer-3 or layer-4 protocols are carried in their frames, nor are they aware of any layer-3 or layer-4 checksums.

In layer-3, IPv4 has a header checksum that layer-3 devices, e.g. routers or hosts, will inspect to verify the integrity of the IPv4 header, discarding any layer-3 packets with a bad header checksum. IPv6 has done away with the IPv4 header checksum. Layer-3 protocols do not care which layer-2 protocol carries their layer-3 packets, nor which layer-4 protocols they carry. Neither are they aware of any layer-2 or layer-4 checksums.

Layer-4 protocols, e.g. TCP, UDP, etc. may have a checksum. In IPv4, the UDP checksum was optional, but it is mandatory with IPv6. A layer-4 protocol will inspect it own checksum, and it will discard any datagrams with bad layer-4 checksums. Layer-4 protocols are unaware of any layer-2 or layer-3 checksums.