Ethernet Cable – Poor Bandwidth After Re-Coupling


As part of an experiment I cut a Cat 5e Ethernet cable in half, stripped off a small amount of insulation on each wire and attached each pair of wires together with its own alligator clip.

There are four twisted pairs, so eight pairs of alligator clips are used.

Before cutting it in half I am able to transfer data between two computers using the cable and get ~940MBit/s which is close to the Gigabit/s speeds that Cat 5e is cable of.

However, after cutting it in half and reattaching the wires with alligator clips I get a 10x reduction in bandwidth and get a ~94MBits/s

What might be the reason for this and are there any techniques I can use to regain the original 940MBit/s speed.

Best Answer

This is more or less to be expected - alligator clips aren't Cat anything, so probably the link training gave up and the link fell back to Fast Ethernet (not standard but not uncommon). Another possibility is that there's a bad contact somewhere and one of the pairs didn't link, also causing a fallback to FE.

If you can't replace the cable, use a splice box to reattach the ends. Cat5 splice box