Ethernet – What does the naming convention for Ethernet standards mean: 1000BASE-T, BASE-TX, BASE-SX, etc.? What is the meaning of the components of the name


I understand the number in the naming convention. The number represents how many Megabits per second can the standard support. However, I do not understand the rest of the naming convention. What do "BASE," "T," "X," etc. mean?

Can someone explain what do names mean and how did these standards come into effect?

Best Answer

BASE indicates baseband signaling - there is no modulated carrier, the frequency starts near zero and extends to a certain cut-off frequency.

BROAD indicates broadband modulation - there is a wide frequency band with a number of carriers modulated with the data (similar to xDSL).

The X in -TX, -SX, ... stands for 4b/5b (100 Mbit/s) or (improved) 8b/10b line code (PCS block code). The R in 10GBASE-SR or -LR stands for more efficient 64b/66b line code (laRge block). A line code is required to enable clock recovery and bit-level synchronization. Without line code, the receiver would lose track of the bit boundaries when many same bits are transmitted.

-T indicates a twisted-pair medium, two used pairs for 10/100 Mbit/s, four pairs for 1 Gbit/s upwards. Speeds beyond 100 Mbit/s use specialized line codes plus scrambling. Mostly, only -T is used - the X in 100BASE-TX was added since it competed with the differing variants 100BASE-T2 and 100BASE-T4 at the time. Modern, single-pair variants use -T1.

-S stands for Short wavelength optical (~850 nm), -L for Long wavelength (~1300 nm), -E for Extra long wavelength (~1500 nm) and so on. With few exceptions, short wavelength is used with multi-mode fiber for short distance (less than 1 km), longer waves with single-mode fiber for long distance (1 km to 100 km). These three wavelengths are selected from the low-absorption bands of silica glass.

I've compiled a comprehensive and fairly complete list for Wikipedia a while back, all taken from IEEE 802.3.