Cisco AnyConnect – Resolving External DNS Intermittent Issues on Remote VPN


I have a anyconnect remote vpn profile where I am having the problem with intermittent issue with external dns. I can not open any external weblink and cant ping it with name but accessing them with ip is fine.

I opened a case with cisco but they are unable to give a proper answer or workaround for the issue I am seeing. I am using split tunnel and split dns in my group-policyconfigurations.

Can someone please help and tell me if there is something I am missing out?

Here is vpn config from firewall:

vpnfw1a# sh run all group-po abc_vpnPolicy
group-policy abc_vpnPolicy internal
group-policy abc_vpnPolicy attributes
banner value WARNING: Unauthorized access to this system is forbidden and
banner value will be prosecuted by law. By accessing this system
banner value you agree that your actions are monitored and recorded.
dns-server value
vpn-simultaneous-logins 2
vpn-idle-timeout 1440
vpn-session-timeout none
vpn-filter value abc_vpnVPN
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 ssl-client
group-lock value abc_vpn
ipsec-udp enable
split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
split-tunnel-network-list value abc_vpnNetworks
default-domain none
split-dns value 
user-authentication enable
 anyconnect keep-installer installed
 anyconnect ssl rekey method none
 anyconnect dpd-interval client 10
 anyconnect dpd-interval gateway 30
 anyconnect modules value dart
 anyconnect profiles value abc_vpn-profile type user
 anyconnect ask enable

Tunnel group all config:

vpnfw1a# sh run tunnel-group abc
tunnel-group abc type remote-access
tunnel-group abc general-attributes
 address-pool abcVpnPool
 authentication-server-group RADIUS
 default-group-policy abcPolicy
tunnel-group abc webvpn-attributes
 authentication aaa certificate
 group-alias abc enable

Best Answer

I have found the resolution and issue was with ipv6, somehow the dns fallsback and was going for ipv6 lookup which doesn't complete ever. So I disabled ipv6 on one machine and started working.. to push it to globally we used client-bypass-protocol and it actually ignores the ipv6 if its not configured on vpn.

this is the bug CSCtf20226and CSCtz86314 cisco addressed them in enter link description here