FTTH and alternatives


I was listening to a interview regarding the back country and Fiber to the home with the Swedish professor in telecommunications Per Ödling. Once in the interview he was referring to technologies that was on the way that was "as good as fiber" for Internet connectivity but much cheaper.

I really wished he would continue on that subject because I don't know any technologies that could be "as good". LTE could reach 300Mbit/s under ideal circumstances. You could use the Cable TV net to reach high speeds (don't know how high you can go). But fiber is a whole other league that without problems can go up to 10Gbit and probably even faster in the future. I really don't believe any of the other alternatives has potential even near what fiber can do.

This question is crucial to me because I want to convince a small organization to bet on fiber in it's buildings while the Swedish government is subsidizing this investment.

My question is what technologies could Ödling possibly have spoken about that is on the way and is "as good" as fiber? What alternatives could there be?

Related: Maximum theoretical bandwidth of fibre-optics

Best Answer

I will try to answer these.

The technology I probably talked about is called "G.fast" and it is being standardized as I write this; most of the G.fast standard was passed last week.

G.fast is a hybrid fiber-copper system, or deep-fiber, that uses copper only for the last hundred meters or so. It will pump from some hundreds to say 2 Gb/s in future versions. Alcatel has announced work on another system that will carry around 10 Gb/s but only over some twenty or so meter of copper. This one is intended as a fiber-drop replacement and probably at first targeting the French market. (Apparently they cannot accept the drilling of holes in their homes, thus reusing copper.) So on the topic of fibre:

  1. if you dig anyway, always put down some fiber too. It costs essentially nothing.
  2. otherwise try to stay technology agnostic and choose something with good price-performance.
  3. in the future fiber will be able to go very far as capacity goes, but this is not so relevant for the domestic market. My guess is that the ability to bring some power (for trickle charging your gadgets) may become a much more important quality than the extra gigabits. But nobody works on this yet.