Full-duplex collisions in wires


I don't know that much in detail how full-duplex works and I wonder if collisions can occur in them. Take a UTP cable for an example – are some cables within it reserved for data going one way and the other wires for data going the other way? Can two frames going in the same direction crash with each other?

Best Answer

Full-duplex basically means communication can happen both ways, negating the possibility of a collision. The below diagram should make it a little more clear. One pair is designated a transmit pair, and the other a receive pair. In most environments now, it isn't even necessary to match up transmit/receive pairs, as MDIX handles that for you.

Straight-Through Cable Pinout

This doesn't eliminate the possibility of collisions on one side as a result of a configuration mistake, such as half-duplex on one side and full-duplex on the other. That's fairly common.

Can two frames going in the same direction crash with each other?

No, frames wait in a buffer until they can be transmitted across a link. One by one.