How to capture DHCP packets in wireshark



I want to capture DHCP packets in Wireshark but I did not receive any. Not my filter wrong, I don't get any. So I think I can't trigger the DHCP communications.

my filters:



udp.port == 68

bootp.option.type == 53

I tried these:

1.) ipconfig /release & renew

2.)on my router I put into exclusion the IP address and I get a new but I did not capture any DHCP packet.

What I need to do to capture any packet and trigger the DHCP Discovery/offer/request/ack


Best Answer

Capture logs in wireshark by neither way by taking TCP dump on client computer with source as client ip address and destination as DHCP server ip address . Please trigger DHCP traffic from client by enable DHCP options on network adapter setting so that DHCP dora process start and traffic is capture on TCP dump

Later open this TCP dump pcap file in wireshark tool for clear understanding and analysis.