How to find the source of increased latency


I've got monitoring setup on several devices in our office. The ping response time to small access switches is commonly 1-4ms… As of 3AM this morning, this has sky-rocketed to 300ms on average.

Where does one start looking in a situation like this?
What things can I observe in the switch to find the source of latency?

NOTE: It's not load related.. all the links bandwidth usage is normal and unaffected, most links are very under utilized. Also – monitoring is local to the devices reporting the latency so there is no WAN factor here.

Best Answer

First, latency isn't directly tied to bandwidth. There are many reasons why a device would delay a packet other than a congested link.

Have you attempted a traceroute? This will show you the latency between hops, if you're looking for a L3 boundary as a suspect.

You might also check to see if any of the devices in the path have a significant usage of CPU/RAM.

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