Public IP Usage – Using a Public IP for Select Hosts in a LAN


I have a small company and we just started out. Given our size, we really can't get a dedicated network guy for now. Recently, we moved to a lease line of our own for reliability. This is the information I was provided with (the addresses mentioned here are just examples, obviously):

IP Address WAN:
GATEWAY       :

LAN POOL IP   : 29
START IP      :
END IP        :

I setup my router, to basically have a NAT, which assigns all devices that connect to the router to get a 192.168.1.X IP address. The router's IP is set to the IP Address WAN given above and the gateway/subnet mask that was provided for the WAN. Everything is fine, and all devices have internet connectivity and local networking is working just fine. This is how my setup looks like:

+-------------+     +--------+     +---------+
| Set-top box | --- | Router | --- | Devices |
+-------------+     +--------+     +---------+
                        |          +---------+
                        +--------- | Devices |

The set-top box has only 1 ethernet cable. I have a couple of questions:

  • Are the 'LAN pool ips' publically accessible (it looks to me that they are).
  • Can I give one of the devices connected to my router one of these public ips? One of the device uses and we use it from external networks by setting up port-forwarding on the router.
  • What is the exact distinction between the LAN POOL and the WAN. I am not sure I entirely understand this distinction. The last part of the IP in WAN is '70', in gateway is '69', and in the pool, the IPs are from 90-94 with 95 as broadcast. The remaining part is exactly the same for all the IP addresses. What is the significance of this?

Sorry about the long post, and thank you for helping me out!

Best Answer

Answers to your questions:

  1. Yes, they are public IPs

  2. Yes, you create a static translation between and one of your pool addresses. The details depend on the specific hardware you have.

  3. The IP address WAN and gateway are the network that connects you to your provider. The WAN pool is a network of IP addresses that you can use for your devices. They are two separate networks. Although it usually doesn't matter, you would normally translate your internal addresses to one of the WAN pool addresses.

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