IP, TCP, and ICMP Header Fields – Unaltered by Firewalls and NAT


I need to determine which header fields in IP, TCP and ICMP packets will never (at least, in 99% of cases, excluding perhaps a bizarre overly-aggressive firewall) be altered by a firewall or NAT/gateway device, including both stateful and stateless.

For instance, I have observed that certain headers will be manipulated by the firewall/NAT device, such as the window size, or the presence of the PSH and URG flags. I believe even the 'data offset' ('doff' name in the TCP header struct) was affected at some point as well. How common are these manipulations for firewalls and NAT devices?

Those that I know shouldn't ever be changed, at least that I've observed and am looking for confirmation from the community here, are the TCP sequence ID#, the IP ID, the ICMP type, ICMP code, ICMP id/sequence # (when in ECHO), and I'd imagine the ICMP data.

Am I incorrect in thinking the TCP window size is manipulated by some firewall/NAT? What about the IP TTL? Would this be manipulated by a border device before reaching its destination?

Any other information about what headers are manipulated and what ever are not is much appreciated.

Best Answer

You are probably developing the new way of hidden tunneling )

As to the fields of IP, TCP, ICMP headers - you can't be absolutely sure that they will be untouched traveling the network. It mostly depends of source and destination network topology, security measures and network equipment or software. Even, the direction of traffic matters. It much differs when traffic flows for ex. from home network to your VDS server or from corporate PC to google server behind load balancer etc..

  • IP destination address as well as TCP/UDP destination port are likely untouched unless destination is behind the NAT or load balancer
  • TCP SEQ|ACK can be sometimes altered by some firewalls (Cisco ASA randomizes them to prevent session hijacking and other attacks)
  • Data offset is likely untouched unless traffic flows through sofisticated firewall
  • Most of ICMP types and codes are blocked by typical firewall except Echo request|reply, destination unreachable and TTL expired in transit useful for traceroute
  • Payload of ICMP echo and SEQ are likely untouched.
  • Payload of TCP is typically untouched by firewall excepting some tricky cases (ALG gateways which modifies FTP, SIP etc, or HTTP/FTP proxies). But most of ports are blocked by corporate firewalls and others forwarded to proxies.
  • TCP flags are typically untouched but TCP session follows some rules (handshake etc), so firewall (stateful) watches them and drops invalid or unrelated packets
  • DF bit in IPv4 packet is typically untouched, probably other fields such as length and offset, but the packet should be of right size to be passed through
  • QoS bits can be modified or completely zeroed traveling the public network.

Well, your question is the reverse-engineering research in a way. Appreciate you share your experience afterward.

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