IPv6 /64 Block – Using with Multiple Routers


I'm new to IPv6 and having some issues with a configuration that was really easy/common with IPv4.

My setup looks like this:

WAN (ISP managed router) <-> Router 1 ( my internal router ) <-> My workstations/devices

With IPv4 I would assign private IPs for my workstations/Router 1 (Eg.: in subnet, Router 1 would also have another private IP with my ISP Router in another subnet ( Eg.: ) and with NAT everything would work normally.

Now, with IPv6, the ISP router receives and advertise a /64 IPv6 block. I was able to use dhcp6 client in Router 1 to receive the prefix and then use IPv6 autoconf to allow my workstations to get their IPv6 from that /64 block.

Internally, workstations can ping each other and Router 1, but they can't access the internet.

After contacting my ISP, I was informed that with a /64 block I would only be able to use IPv6 if my workstations were connected directly to the ISP router. And, to make my setup work, I would need another /64 block. Is it true? If so, why? ( their support couldn't explain the reason )

Aren't there another alternatives in this case?

Best Answer

Yes, IPv6 uses one /64 per LAN. Your ISP should give you a /48 or at least a /56. They get plenty of addresses from their RIR and they should distribute them properly. The whole idea behind IPv6 is to give everybody plenty of addresses, and ISPs that give you only a /64 are screwing it up...